Color Trends in Advertising


Color trends in advertising are constantly changing as consumers’ tastes and preferences evolve. In order to stay relevant and appealing to their target audience, brands must adapt to these trends and incorporate them into their advertising strategies. Here are some recent examples of successful brands that have embraced color trends in their advertising campaigns. One example is the makeup brand Glossier, which has gained a cult following for its minimalist and colorful products. Glossier’s advertising uses a range of pastel colors, which not only align with their brand image, but also appeal to their mostly millennial and Gen Z audience. They have also utilized bold and unexpected color combinations, such as vibrant pinks and oranges, to create a sense of playfulness and individuality in their ads.

Another example is Coca-Cola, a brand that has been consistently using red as their primary color in advertising for over a century. However, in recent years, they have started incorporating more blue and green tones in their advertisements to appeal to health-conscious consumers and promote their sugar-free options. This strategic use of color has helped to keep Coca-Cola’s advertising relevant and appealing to a wider audience.


Color trends in advertising are not just about following the latest fads, but understanding the psychology behind colors and how they can influence consumer behavior. As the saying goes, “Color is a power that directly influences the soul.” Colors evoke emotions and create associations in the minds of consumers. Brands that understand this power can use it to their advantage in their advertising. In the case of Glossier, the use of pastel colors aligns with their brand image of minimalism and natural beauty. These gentle tones can evoke feelings of calmness and simplicity, which is in line with the message of their products. On the other hand, the bold and unexpected color combinations can create a sense of excitement and uniqueness, appealing to their young and adventurous target audience.

Similarly, Coca-Cola’s use of red has been a successful branding strategy for many years, as it is associated with energy, excitement, and passion. However, the recent addition of blue and green tones shows a shift towards targeting health-conscious consumers. Blue is often associated with trust, reliability, and health, while green is associated with nature and wellness. By incorporating these colors in their advertising, Coca-Cola is not only staying relevant to current trends, but also appealing to a wider audience by playing into these associations.

Lessons Learned

The ever-changing color trends in advertising serve as a reminder that it is important for brands to continuously evolve and adapt in order to stay relevant and appealing to their target audience. By keeping a close eye on current color trends and understanding the psychology behind them, brands can create advertising campaigns that not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also evoke the right emotions and associations in consumers. Furthermore, color trends can also be used strategically to appeal to specific consumer groups. By understanding the associations and meanings behind different colors, brands can create a more targeted and effective advertising strategy. As seen with Coca-Cola’s use of blue and green tones, a subtle shift in color can make a big impact on how a product is perceived by consumers.

In conclusion, color trends in advertising are not just about following the latest fads, but understanding the power of color and using it strategically to appeal to consumers’ emotions and associations. By analyzing examples of successful brands that have embraced color trends and the psychology behind them, we can learn valuable lessons on how to create effective and relevant advertising campaigns in a continuously evolving industry.

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